Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Savor the Schadenfreude: Union Sues Union For Unfair Practices

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This is one of those issues that just make me smile:

As it helps push for legislation that would make it easier for workers to organize, the country's fastest-growing union is engaged in its own labor dispute with employees it is seeking to lay off.

The Service Employees International Union, considered the most influential union in the nation, has notified the union that represents about 220 of its national field staff and organizers that 75 of them are being laid off. In return, the workers' union, which goes by the somewhat postmodern name of the Union of Union Representatives, has filed unfair labor practices charges against SEIU with the National Labor Relations Board. The staff union's leaders say that SEIU is engaging in the same kind of practices that some businesses use -- laying off workers without proper notice, contracting out work to temp firms, banning union activities and reclassifying workers to reduce union numbers.
This is just too rich to even discuss but I'll give it a shot. A major union is slapped with and unfair labor practices charge for the way they treated union employees. Plus, how odd is it that workers for SEIU are under another union?

And Obama wants to institute card check. If I were the GOP, I'd hit SEIU upside the head with this as often as possible to show that unions are hypocritical and their oppressive standards will only make American business worse. I'd use charts and graphs and point the finger right at SEIU for daring to treat their employees with such utter disrespect. Who does SEIU think they are, WalMart? Oh wait, even WalMart wouldn't have been this uncaring about the rank and file worker.

Update: I missed this but Ed is enjoying this as much as I.