Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hey GOP, Shut the Hell Up!

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This AIG mess has backfired on Obama, Dodd and by extension, all Democrats. The American people are mad as hell, at least according to just about everyone, present company not included.

Let the Dems stew in this for awhile, it's been squarely laid at Geithner's, Obama's and Dodd's feet so let them deal with the consequences. Just shut the hell up and allow the people to take out their rage on the administration and continue the steady decrease of Obama's poll numbers. He hasn't exactly been what one would call Reaganesque in explaining himself of late.

If you have to say anything, go after the UAW, SEIU or any of the other Big Labor groups. Ask why their leaders are making huge bonuses when unions are failing. Stay as far away from commenting on AIG as possible.

End rant and goodnight, I'm going to watch hoops of which I'm presently 7-7 on my bracket.


Lester Hunt said...

I haven't been here before and am a little surprised to see you put an insult to libertarians on the banner for your blog. It must be nice to have so many allies you can afford to insult some of them!

Scott said...

Are you calling libertarians idiotarians or did you just read it wrong?