Monday, March 02, 2009

Rush Derangement Syndrome

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The political left in this country is well-organized and is better than conservatives at staying on point as a generally cohesive unit. While conservatives have an annoying tendency to sell out core beliefs in the spirit of compromise, liberals home in on an adversarial person or position and focus all their energy in denigrating or demeaning that person or position. The latest target is Rush Limbaugh and this may indeed be a battle they thought they wanted but soon find out they really didn't.

When you have the president's Chief of Staff mentioning him, you know this is a concerted effort to drive a stake through his heart once and for all. They are demonizing him like we've not seen anyone demonized since...well, Sarah Palin or Joe the Plumber. That's the play book move for enemies of the left: marginalize them and hammer them repeatedly until they scream for submission or are forced out. It takes a strong man or one who doesn't give a damn anymore, like Blago, to survive the onslaught. Fortunately for us on the right, Rush is that man. Unfortunately for us on the right, we have a party full of politcal hacks who seek nothing more than to get an invite to the White House and a nice pat on the back from The First Black President (TM). We saw it with Specter and we saw it with new RNC head Michael Steele and Rep. Cantor. Instead of ripping him, they should be defending him for having the balls to say it like it is.

Limbaugh has been a thorn in their collective sides for decades and they seem to sense that this is their time to be gine with him. They're ramping up the Fairness Doctrine, issuing veiled threats to radio stations and pummeling him on a nightly basis on the networks, CNN and MSNBC. But in doing so, they may see a major backfire because what Rush says is not what they portray him as saying. He speaks to the average American unlike any conservative since Reagan and is unflinching in his ideals. He was among the first to call out President Bush when he offered up Harriet Miers, went astray on amnesty and joined with Ted Kennedy in signing the largest entitlement we've seen in a generation. That is why people listen in huge numbers.

Liberals have never listened to Rush save edited snippets here and there. He'll never win them over anyway. Yet, there will be people who here what Rush has to say on one of the many attack pieces on CNN and give him a shot. Once people listen, they generally stick with the show because the guy is the best political commentator this nation has. He doesn't take himself seriously and speaks like a regular guy you'd meet anywhere but with greater conviction. That, in a nutshell, explains why he's so well liked and why liberal talk radio has never prospered because libs in general have no principles and zero conviction.


Unknown said...

You have characterized Rush's appeal succinctly, good job. I might add that Rush is no shrinking violet, he can take it and dish it out with the best on them. He is an American institution.

Anonymous said...

Fairness Doctrine? You mean the one that got handily voted down?

I believe Rush sees a rock he can jump to, because the radio business certainly isn't rolling in dough right now.

And more power to him! The GOP is between Scylla and Charybdis and who better to control it than your top Siren Limbaugh.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean HONE in and HEAR.

Rush is indeed a big fat idiot. I guess his diet secret was Vicodin.

Scott said...

Nice, go after a mans disability then after his past addiction. Liberals only like addicts when they can get money to "treat" them while stealing half the money.

Nice anonymous comment you fucking loser.