Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Short Synopsis of Obama's Speech

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"We're fucked (but not as much as we were a week ago when I needed to pass the stimulus bill and suck the life out of American business because I needed fear to make it pass)"..."It's Bush's fault (as will every single issue we face for the next two years)"..."I'll make it better"(Even with the idiotic band of misfits and tax cheats I've assembled)...Thank you Madame Speaker (applause).

Update: Class warfare on a grand scale. Those damn bankers are to blame.

Wall Street is going to tank tomorrow.

Update: The lovely and smart Ann Althouse is liveblogging.

This is a friggin' stump speech.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the synopsis, I don't have the stomach to watch it on TV.