Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Lord: Obama Proposes $634 Billion Health-Care Fund

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Now that Obama has effectively neutered our banking system and our automotive industry why not go after the health care industry and make it a clean sweep:

President Obama intends to release a budget tomorrow that creates a 10-year, $634 billion "reserve fund" to partially pay for a vast expansion of the U.S. health care system, an overhaul that many experts project will cost as much as $1 trillion over the next decade.

Obama would pay for the expansion by trimming tax breaks for the wealthy and tightening payments to insurers, hospitals and physicians, according to a senior administration official.

By first identifying a large pot of money to underwrite health care reform -- before laying out a proposal on who would be covered or how -- Obama hopes to signal his willingness to negotiate with Congress over the details of an eventual plan.

Now I would have thought that after spending a few trillion The One would take a step back and take a broad view of just how incredible the amounts we are spending are creeping up. I concede that I am 100% wrong and will continue to be proven so repeatedly.

A few questions I have with regard to the money proposed for health care: How is to be spent? How are doctors going to continue provided the best care in the world if you plan on "tightening" payments to them and, finally, how are health care companies going to reduce or even keep rates steady when Obama's squeezing them?

Now I knew that Obama was a neo-lib who will make George McGovern look like a Republican but where does this stop? $3-trillion? 10-trillion?

We're stuck, ya'll and it doesn't seem as though we have a single check or balance anywhere in sight. We could have made a stand if Specter, Snowe and Collins had any guts and voted against the stimulus but instead they enabled the administration and now, like a crack head, the Dems are feeling it and spending insane amounts of money we'll never pay back. Our money.

And please don't kid yourself, taxes on "the rich" will not pay for anything close to what we've spent. The "rich" are a figment of Obama's imagination and become less wealthy everyday.

Hope and change baby, hope and change.


Anonymous said...

It's not a bad could it be. Right? Right??

Anonymous said...

3 trillion in domestic infrastructure > 3 trillion in iraq.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if Obama and all the others in Washington making more than $250,000 a year, are they going to be paying more taxes to help pay for "everyone" to have access to health care?

Trillion, wait till the middle class workers have their taxes increased to pay for these, "change, hope for change baby" ideas!