Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fox News is a Behemoth

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Rupert Murdoch has had a tough year as have all media companies but this ought to give him a reason to smile. Plus he can really give the finger in Olbermann's general direction:

Fox News was the ratings leader during prime time and total day during February 2009 — its 86th month on top. FNC averaged more Total Viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined in prime time and total day.

FNC had nine out of the top 10 programs in cable news last month in Total Viewers. The O'Reilly Factor was #1 for the 99th consecutive month, and was up 33% in Total Viewers compared to February 2008. The other top programs included Hannity (up 38%), Glenn Beck (the 5pmET hour was up 100%), The FOX Report with Shepard Smith (up 30%) and On the Record with Greta Van Susteren (up 24%).

On the Record also reclaimed the lead in the 25-54 demographic, up 4% year to year. At 7pmET, FOX Report was up 28% in the demo, The O'Reilly Factor was up 44% and "Hannity" up 34%.
There's no way else to spin in but to say that Fox is dominating. we hear that Rachel Maddow is making a move or the Olberwoman is rampaging but these numbers are so overwhelmingly in favor of Fox News that anything they say will sound ridiculous.

They beat CNN and MSNBC even when you combine their viewers.

Hey, maybe using the Nutroots sites for storylines will help them out.

This will only encourage the Unfairness Doctrine supporters to push for it to include cable news as well.

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