Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday News and Notes

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Headlines and interesting stories from around the web:

Oil is now around $37 a barrel. Tim Blair gloats at the expense of Bill Moyers, which is alway funny.

Charles Johnson is tireless when it comes to uncovering fauxtography and faux videos. It's good to see him get some pub.

Mmmmm...Raccooooon. It must have been a slow news day at McClatchy.

Rest assured that neither Bill Clinton or Rod Blagojevich can get away with this defense.

Speaking of LGF; go now and vote for the Fiskie nominee that signify the Idiotarian of the Year. The MSM is in the lead but with the year they've had, it's kind of like rubbing salt in the wound so I went with Al Gore. He's had a bad year with the whole global warming thing looking more and more inane to a large swath of the nation but for all he's put us through, there's not enough salt in the Pacific Ocean to rub in his open sore.

1 comment:

Rob Sisson said...

Dan and Scott- This isn't germane to your entry today, but I wanted to introduce myself as the new president of Republicans for Environmental Protection (www.rep.org). Look forward to following your blog.

Best wishes,
Rob Sisson