Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Israel Hater Helen Thomas Hits Obama on Israel

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That old anti-Semite is still at it. Helen Thomas--a woman who should have been put out to pasture a decade ago--is still defending the indefensible. Of course, she does in that lazy style we've all grown to ignore. This is from last week but, well, who actually still reads Thomas wth the exception of herself and maybe Bill Moyers?

According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, Bush was informed of Israel’s plans for the offensive and gave the green light for the heavy bombardment of the Palestinians in Gaza. Reports from the area said more than 600 Palestinians -- militants and civilians and some 70 children -- have been killed.

Two things here: She quotes a French paper when people gave up caring what the French said twenty years ago and she doesn't even comment on the number of Israeli's killed or injured by rockets sent aloft by Hamas into towns like Sderot.

But wait, she also quotes another has-been on the world circuit; the UN:

At Gaza, the Israelis have turned away reporters seeking to cover the war. Furthermore, the Israelis have banned Richard Falk -- the U.N. special observer for human rights and a former Princeton University law professor -- from Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. Falk enraged the Israelis when he called the assault against Gaza “a crime against humanity.”
A Princeton University law professor who is anti-Israeli? A shocker there. Falk is not exactly even-handed when it comes to Israel (click here for more on Falk and Israel) but that doesn't stop Thomas from quoting him since he's got real gravitas with that UN title and Ivy League pedigree. In Thomas' world, that's the secular equivalent of a saint.

She saves her real venom for the incoming CINC though:

Obama’s words while he was in Israel on the campaign trail last summer were reassuring and widely repeated. Obama said that if rockets were thrown at a house where his two little girls were threatened, he would do everything in his power to stop them.

That is totally understandable. However, Obama did not add that if Palestinian children were being attacked by Israeli bombers, he also would do everything he could to stop them.

But that would take courage.
You see how the liberal mind works? Knee jerk anti-Semitism and hatred for all who actually go so far as to intimate that the Israeli's are morally justified in their reaction. Old Helen is bitter that we couldn't get a real lib into the White house who will sell the entire nation of Israel out to Hamas and Hezbollah so those wily Jews can really get what's coming to them.

Hang it up you sniveling old moonbat and either go away or at least take your writing somewhere you won't look so insanely anti-Semitic or just plain stupid in comparison. I hear the Huffington Post and Daily Kos are looking for some part time help.

PS: Sorry for the pic at right.

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