Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Downside of Obama Media Saturation

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As McCain has made quite clear of late, Obama is a celebrity of the rock star variety sans trashing hotel rooms and fighting in bars. One problem however, he's gotten way too much media coverage for the average American who is saying "enough already!"

As he has since January, this week, Barack Obama enjoyed much more visibility as far as the public was concerned than did John McCain. By a margin of 76% to 11% respondents in Pew's weekly News Interest Index survey named Obama over McCain as the candidate they have heard the most about in recent days. But the same poll also shows that the Democratic candidate's media dominance may not be working in his favor. Close to half (48%) of Pew's interviewees went on to say that they have been hearing too much about Obama lately. And by a slight, but statistically significant margin - 22% to 16% - people say that recently they have a less rather than more favorable view of the putative Democratic nominee.
I've mentioned this nearly daily of late: The media didn't do their job of properly vetting Obama so what we have is a 1000:1 ratio of good stories versus bad. People are not so stupid as to believe that there'snothing this man has done wrong in his Chicago and Senate days. He's a politician and they are all crooks in the eyes of many.

The constant media saturation prior to the convention means that people have formed an opinion, which may be why he's dropping in the polls. Imagine if Obamania was put on hold for a few months after wining the nomination, say he went back to the Senate and just did his job without trips to Europe or huge rallies. The lesser media exposure then would have helped him in the future in the all-important Labor Day to election day time frame. Now he's so overexposed that people are just sick of him. Think Britney Spears in her heyday before she went off the rails, she was America's darling. Sadly for her, she was everywhere and people wer hoping that she'd either go away or would crash. The latter happened in grand fashion. Perhaps the public will be so sick of Obama that he'll lose substantial votes.

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