With a resume woefully short on foreign policy--and all--experience, who will Obama consult with when the need to make a critical decision is at hand? The very same people who failed to make crucial decisions in America's best interest in the last several years before 19-terrorists killed thousands of Americans, that's who:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barack Obama is answering a question he faced often on the campaign trail. Whom would he turn to for advice when making foreign policy decisions?
The Democratic White House hopeful has scheduled the inaugural meeting Wednesday of what he's calling his Senior Working Group on National Security. It includes former members of Congress and high-ranking Clinton administration officials
Among them are three who advised Hillary Rodham Clinton and had served in her husband's Cabinet - former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Warren Christopher and former Defense Secretary William Perry.
(Bill me for the use of your coverage Associated [with terrorists] Press--ed
Let's see, Madeleine Albright hoisted a glass of champagne with Kim Jong Il:

William Perry did nothing except issue orders that were promptly ignored by a Clinton White House that abhorred the military when the men in his chain of command were murdered at the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia:

William Christopher served as SecState during the build-up of al-Qaeda and numerous terror attacks. But hey, he ensured that the Haitian butcher Aristide was reinstituted into his dictator role.
Change you can believe in indeed.
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