Monday, June 23, 2008

News and Notes

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For one of the few times this month, I have the house to myself (well, besides the dogs, cats and birds). So I figured I peruse the web and point you in interesting directions.

Hitchens on the religious elevation of Tim Russert.

An American hiker in the German Alps is saved by her sports bra. Will they ever cease finding uses for those things?

Gas would fall to half the price it currently is if Congress cracks down on speculators. I'm hoping it stays high until we force the don-nothing Congress to approve drilling off the coasts and in ANWR.

Judge smacks down environmentalist's on border fence lawsuit. Maybe they plant clematis or some other vine to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

The beautiful Terri on Obama's premature race card dropelation:

I would have suggested that he drop that card sometime in October. That’s when he could snag those on the fence by suggesting that Republicans have made them fearful of the black man and they would go….”oh yeah, that must be what’s happened, I’ll pull the lever for Obama”.
When you run out of ideas, you gotta dig deep and that's where the Obama camp is at this point. By election time, using race will be a huge detriment as people are sick of things in two days in the Internet age.

A sort of Independence Day for Tim Blair down under. He can actually...wait for it...wash his car. In his own driveway and everything. I think I'll go wash mine twice just because I can.

And finally, word is that supporters of the Constitution as a whole (and not just bits and pieces like libs) and the 2nd Amendment in particular may be in for some good news manana. We'll wait and see if the Scalia rumor is true.
Picture at right from this site and included for no reason except it was posted by a fellow Deadhead.


Anonymous said...

What will the black Americans do when they finally figure out the Hussein O is an angry Arab and not an angry black American? Blacks have been had and bad.

Scott said...

He's not an Arab or a Muslim. He's also not the man he pretends to be and that'll come out once he starts talking policy.