Monday, June 23, 2008

A Liberal Conundrum

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Libs love hybrids as a whole and the Toyota Prius in particular. They get a smug expression as soon as they get behind the wheel because they are saving the planet by driving green don't you know?. They can't even keep the cars in stock and dealers have been doing that most capitalistic of things: gouging.

That said, they now have to make some hard choices. You see, libs believe in the environment, unions and workers rights. Apparently, Toyota has their own thoughts on the workers rights question:

The American and Japanese people have a lot in common. In both countries, excessive corporate power and greed are destroying the middle class as income disparity soars, enriching the few while the vast majority of us are left behind. As the two largest economies in the world, the people of the U.S. and Japan should, and could, have a very powerful voice in helping to shape a global economy that fosters respect for human and worker rights, protects our environment and promotes social and economic equality. There needs to be more dialogue among labor, environmental, human and women’s rights organizations and students in the U.S. and Japan. If corporations are the only ones talking to one another, we will just get more of the same.
Savor the verbiage, folks. Right out of Mao's Little Red Book or Lenin's fetid mouth.

In the U.S., we produce too many gas guzzlers. But they are made by well-paid, middle class union workers who have a democratic voice on the shop floor. In Japan, companies like Toyota make some of the best hybrids. But their unions are weak and lack independence—allowing the widespread exploitation of cheap temporary workers in their plants, along with a parts supply chain that is riddled with sweatshop abuses, including human trafficking. We have a lot to learn from each other.

Right now, Toyota and the U.S. auto companies are locked in a race to the bottom, which will inevitably lead them to adopt each others worst practices.
This is all lefty tripe of course but I am savoring the communists who wrote this piece slamming the car that every socialist is eager to own. It's an internecine battle between two far-left ideologies: One that believes Marx and Trotsky were gods and another that thinks Gaia is the one true god (with Marx as a prophet).

Sorry, I'll continue to buy the best made car regardless of who makes it or where it's made. I'm a capitalist through and through and as such will buy the best product for the best price. Period.

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