Friday, June 27, 2008

Mugabe Shows Once Again That Thuggery Wins

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While his men rape those who vote the "wrong" way, Robert Mugabe will be re-elected today and ensure the continued destruction of what was once a prosperous and sustaining nation:

Polls have closed in Zimbabwe, after a presidential runoff widely dismissed as a charade to keep President Robert Mugabe in power.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew from the poll earlier this week, saying violence against his supporters made the election impossible.

In an interview Friday with VOA English to Africa, he denounced the runoff as a "one-man race whose outcome is already known.

"Many residents of the capital, Harare, said ruling party militia threatened them with harm if they did not vote. Witnesses say turnout was strong at two Harare polling stations, Mbare and Harare South, but that other stations saw only a trickle of voters.
It is not "widely dismissed" as a charade, it is a charade when there's only one candidate running because his supporters have murdered, raped and tortured the opposition.

One would think that given the widespread horrors Mugabe's henchmen have visited upon their fellow countrymen and women that no one would ever support this thug and his junta. I mean, you would think that no one--especially an American politician in the You Tube age would never be so stupid as to back a man who has instituted state-sponsored rape of his own citizens. You would be wrong:

The UN jumped into this about two months too late, which is faster than usual. More from AP.

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