Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Night Music--Summer Music Edition

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It's steamy outside today folks. Summer is here and it's time for some summer music so do what I'm doing, grab a cold Sol, throw a lime in it and listen to good summer tunes.

First we have Janis doing Summertime with Big Brother and the Holding Company from Stockholm, Sweden. A very good version with Janis in fine form. The woman sure as hell could perform:

Next we have the late Bradley Newell and Sublime with Doin' Time. Sublime always feels like summer and Bradley's voice always sounds like he's playing in a bar on the boardwalk somewhere (bonus ska version here):

One song that always made me think of summer and especially summer Dead tours is The Music Never Stopped. In my youth, I would take off sometime around late June and head south. Before I knew it, two weeks and nine shows had passed and Iwas in Buffalo or Maine. Good times as far as I can recall (which isn't much). This is the first set closer from the summer of 1994. I believe Traffic opened this show, an epic show that, alas, I missed:

The first concert I ever saw was Genesis, Blondie, Elvis Costello, A Flock of Seagulls and Robert Hazzard & the Heroes at JFK Stadium in Philly. Genesis was just approaching their phase where they let Phil Collins take over and just plain sucked after that. Here's some classic Genesis from the real genius of the band--Peter Gabriel doing The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Yes, he's wearing work gloves:

Finally, for my Pop, here's Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong with Summertime. Sweet. Janis or Ella? I'm not makin' that call:

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