Friday, June 27, 2008

Another Successful Missile Defense Test

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One of the lasting legacies of the Bush 43 years will be his devotion to national security and his nonchalance toward those who disagree with his methods and means. Regardless of his stand on immigration and spending, he has put measures in place that will protect American lives on a large scale.

Here's the news of his latest victory:

WASHINGTON — A U.S. missile defense system sought by several Middle East countries has intercepted a missile with a separating warhead.

In the first such achievement, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, shot down a target warhead that separated from the booster missile.

The June 25 test, which took place at the Pacific Missile Range Facility off the island of Kauai in Hawaii, marked the fifth successful intercept for the THAAD program in five attempts.
Five for five, baby!

It is a bit odd that they added the "sought by Middle East countries" part in there as it adds nothing to the story accept to make it sound like defense contractors will benefit or some such garbage. I'm sure that the UAE and Saudi Arabia want the shield because they know that Iran has offensive ambtions and ruling the Gulf is a top priority.

Anyway, Ronald Reagan dreamt of SDI and the media mockingly called it "Star Wars." George W. Bush seems to have brought Reagan's dream to fruition and made us much safer as a nation because of it. The added benefits for NATO countries and Israel are icing on the cake.

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