Monday, May 19, 2008

What Happened to Manly Liberals?

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There once was a time where liberal men were tough and would fight for their positions. Think FDR standing up to Hitler and Hirohito, JFK staring down Khrushchev or even LBJ creeping communism of Soviet Russia.

Juxtapose that with what we have today. We have Obama who whines so incessantly as to seem like more of a woman than Hillary. We have potential VP nominee John Edwards sending his cancer-stricken wife out to fight his battles as well. These are the faces of the liberal movement today. The opposition throws statements they've made back in their faces and they scream foul. We point out their shady associations and they cry racism.

On the right we have John McCain who spent years in a POW camp and refused to leave when it would have meant a propaganda coup for the Vietnamese. He was a war fighter of the highest caliber.

I imagine that the reason so many young people are drawn to Obama is the simple fact that we've become a nation of pussies who have been raised to shift responsibility for their actions to others and who have lost the spirit of what makes America great. It's a sad day that the manliest person in the democratic party is a woman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take long look at your own Republican party. I know lot of tough talking so called neocon conservative Republicans. They're pro military but none of them enlisted or served. To sum up, in general the Republicans are mostly just a punch of wimps, mancho men wanna-be, driving faked Hummer, tough talking, flag waving in the safe distance, phony toy soldiers. G.W. Bush is a perfect example - just look at him on his knees begging the Saudi prince lowering the oil price without success. The Republican should have selected McCain years ago. Instead it chose Bush and it clearly showed the character of the party (phony, fake, wimpy). Now it's kind of a little and too late.