Monday, May 19, 2008

Things That Make Me Feel Safe

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A rocket launcher was found in a Jack in the Box dumpster. The ammo was not dangerous and the launcher was no longer functional. That makes me feel better:

(second story at about 1:08)

In other news, a homeless dude walked through a security checkpoint at Lambert Airport in St. Louis and slept on a plane without notice. The airport security head explained: "There was a breakdown in this layer of security". Uh, do you think?

And finally, some a-hole purposely damaged two UH-37 helicopters at a Boeing facility in PA. Military investigators are on the case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For all the claims that we have upped security at the airports, or even across the US, if someone wants to harm us, they will. I had a friend accidentally carry a knife on a plane in her carry-on baggage (from a camping trip) and no one stopped her or checked her baggage.

Dagny McKinley
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