In this ever-changing world, some things stay the same: No one can say anything bad about Obama without him crying about it and the mentally-stunted posters over at Daily Kos will sink to deeper acts of depravity than one could imagine.
First to Obama; he's telling people to leave his wife out of the election when she's put herself front and center. Just as I respected the Clinton's opting to keep Chelsea off-limits to the media, I'd respect Obama saying his wife is not to be included if, if she were not on the stump daily. She's been more of a liability than Bubba Clinton has been.
Next to the Kos idiots; this wretched band of social misfits and refugees from schoolyard ass-kickings can't get any lower as made evident by this classy pic:

And that would be your election strategy in a nutshell as laid out by the brain dead group who reads Zuniga's blog. The GOP is chock full of racists and anyone who votes against Obama is a KKK-supporter. Get ready for it folks, this is the beginning, imagine what we'll be portrayed as come October.
1 comment:
What a nasty poster. Only a Dem could come up with something so sick. So many talented artists for Obama though. His 'Change', 'Hope' and 'Progress' mantras are actually somewhat self-mocking. Making your own Obama posters is totally addicting, I laughed so hard I almost had a breakdown. LOL!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
always hope for hope
push for change at all costs
change can never be bad
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
only feel and hope
please make people change
change can only be good
Make Some Obama Posters NOW!
Appeasement Talk Bothers Appeasers
Help Halt Terrorism Now!
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