Monday, April 14, 2008

AP Head Calls Osama Obama, Obama Whines

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There's is nothing more pathetic than listening to a guy who has had the most fawning press coverage of any candidate in living memory bitch and moan about bad press coverage:

...Dean Singleton, board chair of the Associated Press and a longtime newspaper executive, asked Obama about the possibility of shifting troops into Afghanistan to fight against the al Qaeda leader.

"Can you imagine shifting a substantial number of Afghanistan -- a substantial number to Afghanistan where the Taliban has been gaining strength and Obama Bin Laden is still at large?" Singleton asked

Obama, clearly a bit agitated, quickly interrupted him, “I think that was Osama bin Laden,” the Democratic candidate said, and then took a big gulp of water from the glass next to the podium.

Singleton quickly apologized.

"If I did that I'm so sorry," he said.

“No, no, no, this is part of the -– part of the exercises that I’ve been going though over the last fifteen months,” Obama said, “Which is why it’s pretty impressive that I’m standing here.”
The only reason Obama is standing where he is is because the media has been incredibly soft with him. Has they actually done their jobs and delved into the Jeremiah (God damn America) Wright story a year ago or done an expose on his relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers--a man who blew up numerous buildings and said he'd do it again--he would not be in the place he is today.

If whining about every single bad item written about himself is a new tactic, maybe he ought to just skip it and go right for the Hillary sob, it'll make him seem like more of a man than theincessant moaning he's currently doing.

As an aside, when the board chair of the biased Associated Press makes that mistake in front of the candidate and the media give him a pass, I expect the next time a Republican does it, he'll get a pass as well. That was a joke.

Update: Yeah, I would say this about sums it up.

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