Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday Morning Links

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A former Catholic priest, child porn horder and a beacon for the left-wingers. Nice people you support lefties.

Yummmm! Woodcock ravioli!

So this chick wants the blogosphere to buy her new ta-ta's. It ain't gonna happen.

Obama gets zero initial votes in Harlem? Hillary shenanigans begin to be investigated. I blame Diebold and Bush!

Is Obama the choice of the Good Lord? I say the same when a fottball team prays for victory, Gods a bit busy worrying about other things.

And the survey says the worst fielding shortstop in baseball is...Derek Jeter? It must be the same junk scientists that research and claim that global warming will destroy the world. I hate the Yanks but Jeter? It can't help that they rank A-Rod higher from his SS days.

1 comment:

Deadman said...

So this chick wants the blogosphere to buy her new ta-ta's. It ain't gonna happen.

Oh, man, I'm rootin' for her now. I want my Chevelle. If it works for her, it might work for me.

Re Bernie Ward - It's reassuring to know that even adults engaged in what some regard as prurient behavior have a conscience enough to turn scum like him over to the cops.

This whole "I'm researching a book" defense is starting to get a bit stale from these fuckknobs.