Monday, February 25, 2008

Great Moments in Socialized Medicine

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Norway has--depending how you look at it--one of the most oppressive or progressive health care entitlement programs in the world. So how's it working for them? Not so well apparently:

The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision (Helsetilsynet) reports that they found violations of state law and regulations at 19 of 27 emergency rooms that they monitored recently.

Only two emergency rooms (called akutt mottak in Norwegian) avoided any serious criticism from the state health regulators.

In some cases, the regulators claim, it was only the heroic efforts of staff on duty that saved lives.

...In one case, a patient suspected of suffering a stroke was kept waiting six hours and 10 minutes before being treated. In another case, a patient who drifted in and out of consciousness didn't get treatment for nearly four hours.
Now that's what I'm talking about; substandard care and long waits while only costing us billions of dollars a year. You know, I've grown kinda weary of the American health care system where I can go to a hospital if I have a medical condition and be seen immediately by the best doctors in the world. I mean, who wants the best doctors and nurses taking care of you when you can substandard care and long waits for non-important things like stroke care and loss of consciousness?

No, I think I'll vote for Obama or Hillary and see the state of American health care tumble to the lofty heights of Norway and Britain where they are contemplating sending patients to India because their model system can't handle the load. Come on, everyone knows that we need to get to the point where one has to wait in an ambulance for hours while the emergency room locks you out so they don't have to start the treatment clock running. We need a health care system where you are forced to pay into it but hey, you get to change your doctor up to two times per year.

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