"Screw them" Kos is calling for Michigan Dems to cause some mischief by crossing over and voting for Romney in the open Michigan primary:
With a history of meddling in our primaries, why don't we try and return the favor. Next Tuesday, January 15th, Michigan will hold its primary. Michigan Democrats should vote for Mitt Romney, because if Mitt wins, Democrats win. How so?
For Michigan Democrats, the Democratic primary is meaningless since the DNC stripped the state of all its delegates (at least temporarily) for violating party rules. Hillary Clinton is alone on the ballot.
But on the GOP side, this primary will be fiercely contested. John McCain is currently enjoying the afterglow of media love since his New Hamsphire victory, while Iowa winner Mike Huckabee is poised to do well in South Carolina.
Meanwhile, poor Mitt Romney, who’s suffered back-to-back losses in the last week, desperately needs to win Michigan in order to keep his campaign afloat. Bottom line, if Romney loses Michigan, he's out. If he wins, he stays in.
And we want Romney in, because the more Republican candidates we have fighting it out, trashing each other with negative ads and spending tons of money, the better it is for us. We want Mitt to stay in the race, and to do that, we need him to win in Michigan.
Cute, but what the King Kossack fails to realize is that Romney is in it regardless of the outcome in Michigan. He's falling for the media spin that he'll bail after a loss and his campaign will end. He's currently leading the delegate count. This race is far from over on the GOP side but I would suspect it will end before the Dem race does with Shillary and Obama battling to the convention. Kos better be careful for what he asks for, if the GOP nominee is locked in before the primaries are completed, a mass GOP vote for Hillary could be arranged and sink Obama.
Turnabout is fair play and Kos may just get blow back from his smart-ass plan. Why do libs always seem so juvenile? Below is the button Kos created for this occasion.
Turnabout is fair play and Kos may just get blow back from his smart-ass plan. Why do libs always seem so juvenile? Below is the button Kos created for this occasion.

1 comment:
You say juvenile, I say hateful... either way, it doesn't make any sense to me. Do these hatred-filled Dems care about American unity or themselves? Stoopid question: themselves.
By being hateful, they are driving a wedge (even deeper and tighter) between those that lean right and those that lean left. So long as we (the citizens of America) have that wedge, there's going to be neighbor disagreeing with neighbor over politics. By being hateful, they're not winning people to their cause; they're just preaching to their own choir.
How friggin' stupid can they be?
I guess they just don't care about being a part of bringing America together.
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