Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dems Continue Anti-Troop Maneuvers

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The Democrats rode the wave of anti-war feeling to majority status in both houses. Granted, they won that majority by getting wins in southern states by conservative Democrats but on the whole, it was the war in Iraq that turned out the base. They talked of having a plan to end the war with dignity and of President Bush being either too stupid or unwilling to end it.

Now, here we are more than a month after they took office and the farthest they've gotten was to present a non-binding resolution that means absolutely nothing except to tell those serving in our militray that Congress doesn't support them.

They also have this:

Murtha, the powerful chairman of the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, will seek to attach a provision to an upcoming $93 billion supplemental spending bill for Iraq and Afghanistan. It would restrict the deployment of troops to Iraq unless they meet certain levels adequate manpower, equipment and training to succeed in combat. That’s a standard Murtha believes few of the units Bush intends to use for the surge would be able to meet.

In addition, Murtha, acting with the backing of the House Democratic leadership, will seek to limit the time and number of deployments by soldiers, Marines and National Guard units to Iraq, making it tougher for Pentagon officials to find the troops to replace units that are scheduled to rotate out of the country. Additional funding restrictions are also being considered by Murtha, such as prohibiting the creation of U.S. military bases inside Iraq, dismantling the notorious Abu Ghraib prison and closing the American detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

In essence, the vile Murtha will slowly drain the troops we have there while not supplying replacements. Those who are in Iraq will be fighting an enemy emboldened by our weak Congress and will be fighting them with less forces. In short, Murtha is setting our troops up for nothing more than political gain.

I've said this a million or so times before, if Pelosi's band of idiots had any balls, they'd defund the war effort right now and Bush would have no choice but to bring the troops home. Pretty damn simple. The problem for the donks is that they have no guts, they know full-well that once they make that move and Iraq implodes on itself, they will get the blame.

That leaves them one option, make it tougher for the troops to win, increase the death count and force Bush to make the move to bring them home. That scenario leaves Bush as the fall-guy and it will shore up whoever gains the donk nomination in 2008. That also is a grievous misservice to those who volunteered to wear the uniform and defend our nation. It seems the old Marine Murtha cares more about his party and politics than he does about the oath he made when he joined: Semper Fidelis.

H/T: Bryan

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