Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sunni Bomb Kills 11 in Iran

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Iranian "rebels" exploded a bomb-rigged car in southeastern Iran today:

Iran suffered a rare bomb attack on its own territory today when an explosion killed at least 11 soldiers from the Revolutionary Guard.

The men were travelling on a bus in the town of Zahedan in south-eastern Iran when the blast occurred at about 6.30am. A booby-trapped car was positioned to destroy the vehicle carrying the Revolutionary Guards.

I can only say that turnabout is fair play. The Iranians have been propping up al-Sadr and others who have killed numerous U.S. soldiers and Marines using exactly these methods.

Here's the line of the day:

Iran has frequently accused America and Britain of supplying rebel groups with cash and weapons in order to cause unrest.

Payback is sweet. I think that if America and our allies could continue to filter weapons into Iran to be used by the Sunni minority, we could foment a civil war or a coup. At the very least, we'd make the statement that we can make things very uncomfortable for the Ayatollah's if they don't desist from arming our enemies in Iraq.

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