Saturday, February 04, 2006

Iran Sent to Room Without Dinner

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Now the Iranians are in real trouble:

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's president Saturday ordered the resumption of uranium enrichment and an end to snap inspections of its facilities after the U.N. nuclear watchdog (lapdog?--ed.) voted to report Tehran to the Security Council.

Iran had warned that it would resume enrichment if the International International Atomic Energy Agency board voted to refer it to the Security Council, which it did on Saturday. Tehran also said a proposal by Moscow to enrich uranium in Russia was dead.

I feel so much safer knowing that the UN is getting involved in this situation, don't you?

Perhaps the UN can call on Jimmy Carter as a special envoy to Iran so we can really get things accomplished. He's well qualified, what with him doing such a bang up job with Iran while president and with NoKo and their nuke aspirations while assisting Bill Clinton in '94.

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