Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cartoon Mohammadness Continues

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Syrians set fire to the Danish and Norwegian embassies today:
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Furious Syrians set fire to the Danish and Norwegian embassies on Saturday as protests over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad showed no signs of abating despite calls for calm.

Oil giant Iran, already embroiled in a dispute with the West over its nuclear programme, said it was reviewing trade ties with countries that have published such caricatures.

Chanting "God is Greatest", thousands of protesters stormed the Danish embassy, burned the Danish flag and replaced it with a flag reading "No God but Allah, Mohammad is His Prophet".

They set fires which badly damaged the building before being put out.

No one was hurt as the embassy was closed at the time.

That's it, I'm going down to the Syrian embassy to scream out "Jesus rules" and "No God but God and Jesus is his only begotten son" then putting my Jimmy Carter Zippo (pictured above) to that sucker. The Good Lieutenant, Stop the ACLU and Rottie have more.

Update: An excellent essay here that discusses the calculated moves behind these protests. I for one think that Bashar Assad is really happy his people are taking their anger out on embassies as opposed to him.

Update 2: A few more thoughts on this craziness, I find it amusing that there are approximately 36 different ways in which the media are spelling Mohammad and the opinions are all over the map and don't conform to ideology. More opinion here and here.

Update 3: Grab the kids and gather around the computer. You can all join in and Draw Mohammad.
Update 4: It's getting a little crazy in the comments and this is a bit insane.

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