Saturday, February 04, 2006

Class Warfare in Cuba

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We haven't discussed Fidel Castro in a while and I for one miss talking about the old pinko bastard. Well, Fidel is cracking down on stinking capitalists:

HAVANA - President Fidel Castro is pursuing a campaign against Cuba's "new rich," accusing them of corruption and moral decay in his quest to erase class differences threatening the utopian ideals of his communist regime.

Violators face possible jail time and loss of state jobs as the government tries to eliminate a thriving black market that supplies Cubans and tourists with everything from gasoline and cooking oil to illicit meals of lobster served in small, private restaurants.

Yet "rich" is a mushy term on an island where state pay averages just $12 a month - a wage virtually impossible to live on even with heavily subsidized government services and mostly free housing. Many of Castro's targets are simply poor Cubans who steal from the state to make ends meet.

The 79-year-old leader has railed in recent speeches against these thefts, portraying widespread corruption as one of the greatest threats yet to Cuba's socialist system.

Maybe it's just me, but wouldn't a system that has people only making $12 a month be threatened already? Anyway, I guess Fidel and his amigo Chavez haven't been paying attention. Communism failed miserably throughout Europe, Asia and hell, even in Canada, it's apparently not doingtoo well in Cuba either.

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