Saturday, February 04, 2006

The World View From Berkeley

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Back in May when the PuffHo started up, I commented that it would give right-wing bloggers near daily fodder. It eventually got to the point where it was fish in a barrel easy. Kind of like "fisking" Barbra Streisand or Maureen Dowd.

Today there's a blog post that I just can't not take a few whacks at.

Elisa Salasin starts her post with this (also cross-posted at her blog):

Dear President Bush,

On Saturday, February 4th, 2006, thousands will gather outside of the White House, coming to tell you that the world cannot wait, that we do not accept either your assessment of the state of the union, or your plans for controlling our destiny through your conception of illegitimate "leadership."

Ms. Salasin writes that W's leadership is "illegitimate" yet she has elected herself as the spokesperson for the entire world. I'm sure if we did elect a world spokesman, it sure wouldn't be an "educator" from Berkeley.

I am writing to let you know that I will regretfully be unable to attend this White House event.

But then how can the event go on without the worlds spokeswoman? I think they should cancel until Ms. Salasin can get some free time and attend.

I send my regrets as a mother of two young children, children who, while materially comfortable, must grow up in a world infinitely more dangerous, more fractured, more on the edge due to your actions.

I'm happy your children are materially comfortable as are mine. Just a question Elisa, the planning for 9/11 was going on throughout the late 1990's, was the world a safe place then? The increase in militant Islam occurred prior to Mr. Bush even being elected Governor of Texas. The world was not an eden prior to January 2001 regardless of how you look at it. The WTC was bombed in 1993 and thereafter we saw the attacks on the USS Cole, the African embassy bombings, as well as bombings in Saudi Arabia to name a few.

Let's continue on as Ms. Salasin really shows naivete:

I send my regrets on behalf of all mothers who stand against the lies and corruption that fuel our countries so-called spreadng (sic) of democracy, our opening of hearts and minds -- the mothers of the more than 2,000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis that have died for your quest, the mothers who, when confronted by an American convoy in Iraq, hold their baby up to prevent attacks from the scared and stressed US soldiers waving weapons. That is the safety you have brought -- a deep-seated fear that lives on, that kills, if not directly then in spirit.

The successful elections in Afghanistan and Iraq are "so-called" democracy in the eyes of this lefty. As for the mothers of the 2,000 killed, I'm reasonably sure that most are not of the same mind as Cindy Sheehan. I'm sure that they are proud of what their children accomplished and understand that their children enlisted in the military to try to create a better nation for those who were threatened with murder and rape on a daily basis from a brutal dictator.

Of course the good "educator" probably has not seen the pictures of happy Iraqi's who are thankful to be rid of Saddam and his offspring because they don't publish pictures like that in the Nation, NY Times or San Francisco Chronicle. Check that, Ms Salasin is so far left that she is probably amongst the Mother Jones, Kos and Counterpunch (a magazine it turns out she writes for) readers who think the Times has sold out to the right.

It gets so much better:

I send my regrets also on behalf of mothers of the 16,000 Iraqis imprisoned, many without charges, of those imprisoned in Guantanamo, and at each of the secret US-run and sponsored facilities around the world, those held without recourse to justice, those tortured in both body and mind.

You got that? She is slamming Bush for imprisoning terrorists at Gitmo. In Ms. Salasin's world, everyone can be reasoned with and everyone can be reformed. Is she friggin' insane? The short answer appears to be yes.

I send my regrets as a citizen of your country, but more importantly as a member of the global community that is rising up to speak against your administration's policies, to stand against empire.

Ms. Salasin seems very comfortable standing with al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Ansar al-Islam and other organizations who have as their primary aim the elimination of America, Israel, Christianity and freedom.

...As I read recently, "Every bomb released over Iraq explodes from Mobile to New Orleans," and as members of the world community we cannot fail to acknowledge these connections.

She probably read it here, here or here. She really is far to the left as every site that shows up in a Google search for that phrase is a hardcore socialist site. That phrase was written by the author of this site which is past socialism and into hard core communism.

By the way Ms. Salasin, why is the reconstruction effort in Republican led Mississippi going well while the the recovery in the Democratic utopia of New Orleans is stalling?

My daughter asked me today when it will be that all the people in world will start to love each other. Perhaps this is the naive vision of a young child, or perhaps it is a question that we all need to take seriously as we do everything in our collective power to drive out your regime that does nothing but breed and perpetrate hatred, bigotry, and intolerance.

No, it's the naive vision of a young child. A child that if you had your way would grow up in a world where San Francisco would resemble 1980's Beirut and she would have to wear a burqa over her hemp clothing and Birkenstocks.

In case you haven't noticed (I know opposing viewpoints rarely make it into the ultra-liberal confines of Berkeley,) we are at war with a fascist group who doesn't give a damn about you or your daughter.

In Ms. Salasin's world, hatred, bigotry and intolerance didn't exist prior to early 2001. Well, it probably started in January of 1980, continued until January of 1993 and then took eight years off to arise again when Bush took the oath.

Answer me this Professor, when Rahman and Yousef organized the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, do you think they did it because they love America? As for bigotry, the two highest ranking African-Americans in this nations history served under the current president.

I guess a religious group that stones adulterers and beheads homosexuals is real tolerant.

So, please understand that my absence on February 4th in no way speaks to an endorsement of you or your policies. My body will be working and caring for my children in California, tending to the day to day obligations that I cannot at this moment put aside. However, my spirit will be beating down your doors, infiltrating the White House grounds, flowing through the bodies and mouths of all who are able to come to Washington to let you know that we, the world, will not wait any longer.

Your spirit will have to take a number I guess. But hey, the world again thanks you for speaking for us, we wouldn't have a clue what to do without your guidance and thoughtful writing.

Elisa Salasin


Elisa Salasin?

I'm sure the president will take your words to heart and change his evil ways real soon.

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