Friday, September 11, 2009

I Will Always Remember...

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I will always remember the sight of people jumping to their deaths instead of facing the hell of burning.

I will always remember the firefighters and police officers who died doing their job in the most trying of circumstances.

I will always remember the people who were forced to die at the hands of terrorists who hijacked their plane.

I will always remember those who chose to fight back on Flight 93.

I will always remember that it was not a "catastrophe" but a planned operation that was aimed at killing as many of my fellow countrymen and women as possible.

I will always remember that they have every intention of doing it again.

I will always remember that some in this country believe a sitting president ordered it or let it happen.

I will always remember that we had a a president that did not allow it to happen again.

I will always remember what the Twin Towers looked like as I passed them on a daily basis.

I will always remember that nearly 3,000 men and women died there.

I will always remember that my brothers in arms have fought and died to kill those responsible and do everything to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I will always remember that there are those who want nothing more than for me to forget.

I will always remember the loathing I have for them for wanting me to do so.

I will always remember...

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