Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Noted Smoker Tells You To Live Healthy

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The One tells us Americans to do as he says, not as he does:

President Barack Obama eats his vegetables and exercises every day — and he really wants you to do the same.

From the White House garden to his picks for top health jobs, Obama is telling America’s McDonald’s-loving, couch-dwelling, doctor-phobic populace that things are about to change.

Don’t be fooled by the presidential burger runs. Obama and Congress are moving across several fronts to give government a central role in making America healthier — raising expectations among public health experts of a new era of activism unlike any before.
OK, the president shoves burgers down his piehole on a regular basis, sucks down Marlboro's and has instituted fiscal policies that have left us with little to no money to buy the Wagyu steak and arugula that he so cherishes. Instead we have enough to buy a McDouble and a McChicken off the value menu.

The nanny state that exists in New York City is about to go national and the leader of the pack is a chain-smoking guy who induces ulcers.

1 comment:

David Stock said...

I believe that each should live a healthy life. Smoking is just bad for the health. Thanks for the great article.