Thursday, June 11, 2009

American Medical Association Slams Obama Health Plan

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So far we've had people who've been forced to live under socialized medicine come out against it, businesses come out against it and now the top doctor organization in America slams Obama's plan to nationalize our health care system:

WASHINGTON — As the health care debate heats up, the American Medical Association is letting Congress know that it will oppose creation of a government-sponsored insurance plan, which President Obama and many other Democrats see as an essential element of legislation to remake the health care system.

The opposition, which comes as Mr. Obama prepares to address the powerful doctors’ group on Monday in Chicago, could be a major hurdle for advocates of a public insurance plan. The A.M.A., with about 250,000 members, is America’s largest physician organization.
The docs know full-well that under socialized medicine, their pay will decrease, the standards of care will diminish and the government will decide what's best for the patient and not them. A lose-lose-lose situation all around.

These men and women are the best and brightest in the world; people from nations with socialized medicine come here to get treated by them. I think we ought to trust someone with 12 years of schooling in medicine over a guy who got a law degree and served as a community organizer.

If this is what the government wants for us, they better get ready for a serious backlash that will put the democrats in a permanent minority.

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