Friday, May 15, 2009

Obama: You Know Those Bush Military Tribunals Weren't Such a Bad Idea

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And another promise goes down the memory hole:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says he is restarting military tribunals for a small number of terrorist suspects at Guantanamo though with several new legal protections for defendants.

Obama said in a statement Friday that his approach is “the best way to protect our country, while upholding our deeply held values.”

The decision puts Obama in the position of reviving a Bush-era trial system he once assailed as deeply flawed — and opposed as a senator.
Political expediency at its absolute finest. If anything defines the first four months of the Obama administration, it would have to be the near-daily 180-degree turns. On the stump, the dude was good and sucked in a whole lot of people who should have known better. Now they're ruing their vote in myriad ways.

Savor the schadenfreude my friends; those who were his biggest supporters are being cast aside and their opinions deemed worthless. They are lashing out of course but anyone who didn't get caught up in the hope and change hype saw this coming months ago. Obama is not ready and about faces like this show just how unready he really is.

More thoughts here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your right, but Democrats will continue to vote for him and he knows it. Very, very few of the left will give up on Nobama. The only principal the overwhelming majority of Democrats display is love of power.

If Democrats believed in "Moderates" then Senator McCain would be president and not this inexperienced person.

We as conservatives / Republicans need to continue to wake up and understand a Democrat and the Islamic Terrorists (yes I mean what I write) have one thing in common, the only time they will compromise is when we agree with them.