Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama Breaks Lefty Hearts Again

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You poor liberals, The One is not delivering on yet another promise; and this one you were desperately waiting for:

President Obama defended his decision to fight the release of photos showing detainee abuse, saying it would only put American troops in harms way and create a backlash against Americans.

"The most direct consequence of releasing them, I believe, would be to further inflame anti-American opinion and to put our troops in greater danger," the president said before departing on his trip to Arizona. "Moreover, I fear the publication of these photos may only have a chilling effect on future investigations of detainee abuse."
The Left was excited in that it makes America look bad, war is evil, voyeuristic way they tend to favor. They wanted these released as yet more proof of just how evil our military, intelligence agencies and the Bush administration were and still are. The wanted to see the pictures so they could post them and make them iconic like the pictures from the disturbed few individuals that perpetrated the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. They consider the picture of the shrouded man with wires protruding more representative of America than the iconic image of victory at Mount Suribachi in Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal.

Besides that, haven't we on the right been saying that releasing those photos would be disastrous for American service personnel? Why yes, yes we have. The release of the "torture" memos will also have a great effect but The One didn't realize that in time or more likely, probably did but didn't count on the backlash from the public and his own CIA and the subsequent public relations disaster it's turned out to be. We all know that Obama does things for political expedience and not conscience or the good of the nation.

Sorry lefties, you lose again. American won't be portrayed as the evil torture machine you know deeply in your heart it really is. Sucks bad for you.

Update: More heartache for the hand-wringers: Obama thinking about "indefinite detention" for Gitmo detainees on US soil. not that they'll ever consider voting for a conservative but it sure is enjoyable watching them whine about Obama not being the man they thought they elected. the schadenfreude is quite enjoyable.

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