Wednesday, May 06, 2009

More Democrat Crushing of Free Speech

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It's only year one in Obamanation and we're already seeing bills introduced that would curtail free speech in ways never before considered:

Proposed congressional legislation would demand up to two years in prison for those whose electronic speech is meant to “coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person.”
Every single one of my posts is meant to "coerce...or cause substantial emotional distress" to liberals. That's by design. This is a great example. So is this.

The proposal by Rep. Linda Sanchez, D-Los Angeles, would never pass First Amendment muster, unless the U.S. Constitution was altered without us knowing. So Sanchez, and the 14 other lawmakers who signed on to the proposal, are grandstanding to show the public they care about children and are opposed to cyberbullying.

The meaasure (sic), H.R. 1966, is labeled the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. It’s designed to target the behavior that led to last year’s suicide of the 13-year-old Meier.
And there you go, we must pass this un-Constitutional bill because it's "for the kids". How the hell could you oppose this, do you hate kids?

There slippery slopes and slopes lined with Crisco oil. This would be the latter. I mean, it would be like a Democratic president using his authority to round up a certain ethnic group and interning them because their ancestral homeland attacked one of our Navy bases or something. That couldn't happen, right?

Who would be the arbiters of what words "intimidate," "harass" or "cause emotional distress" anyway?

I could see conservative bloggers being investigated for every single post and it will effectively shut down the newest and some may say most important form of free speech that we now have. Of course, the Democrats led by Sanchez have exactly that goal in mind.

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