Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama Throws Black Farmers Under the Bus

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The words of an African-American farmer ring true as highlighted below

Man, the media must be perplexed. How to report a story about black farmers being dissed by a black president:

...Barack Obama led the charge last year to pass a bill allowing black farmers to seek new discrimination claims against the Agriculture Department. Now he is president, and his administration so far is acting like it wants the potentially budget-busting lawsuits to go away.

The change isn't sitting well with black farmers who thought they'd get a friendlier reception from Obama after years of resistance from President George W. Bush.

"You can't blame it on the Bush administration anymore," said John Boyd, head of the National Black Farmers Association, which has organized the lawsuits. "I can't figure out for the life of me why the president wouldn't want to implement a bill that he fought for as a U.S. senator."

At issue is a class-action lawsuit known as the Pigford case. Thousands of farmers sued USDA claiming they had for years been denied government loans and other assistance that routinely went to whites. The government settled in 1999 and has paid out nearly $1 billion in damages on almost 16,000 claims.
Emphasis mine.

While I disagree with the suit, I have to say that it's becoming abundantly clear that Obama is in it purely for himself and his cronies. The fact that the farmers failed to make the deadline is not the fault of the government, it's there own fault but the fact that Obama is kicking them to the curb is about what I expected from The One. He's thrown his grandmother, brother, Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger and all of America under the bus so he wouldn't think twice about ditching some poor farmers. I mean, they probably live in rural areas and "cling to guns and religion" when times are hard.

Welcome to the era of Obamanation.

1 comment:

alicia banks said...



"show and tell"
