Monday, April 13, 2009

Hypocrisy Writ Large: Anti-Military Lefties Now Pro-Military Lefties

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If W had ordered the military to cut down the pirates, the commies liberals would be freaking out yelling that we'll only encourage more violence and other trademark canards. But now that it's been ordered by The One, they just love those guys and gals in camouflage:

Obama signed the order giving the Navy the go-ahead to take these people out when they had the opportunity in February.

But the mighty armchair generals of the right will never acknowledge this, of course.
Amazing; all it takes is a highly trained military to pull your hero's stones out of the fire and all of a sudden he's friggin' Patton. Weren't the guys who executed this plan the same ones you so easily called murderers not too long ago? Remember Haditha and remember that they were exonerated but you didn't apologize? Now they're good because the order was given by Obama but had to be executed by them. As a vet I can only say you're pathetic scum who wouldn't raise a finger to assist the military when they needed it. You hailed your lib leaders when they spit on our men and women in uniform. You even went so far as to support those who were killing my fellow vets.

Crooks and Liars was all over the military for every accusation no matter how insane or ridiculous. John Amato wanted us to be guilty because it fit his preconceived notion of the military and those who serve their country. Worse, he believed and reprinted every single accusation and judged our Marines guilty before they even had their cases heard. They, of all blogs, should be the last to praise our military for anything. They lost that right with posts like this, this, this, this, this.... Fuck you with a dirty stick, Amato, us vets won't stand for the hypocrisy.

A few points to remember here my lefty friends, these guys were trained in a military that was restructured under Donald Rumsfeld that allowed great men like David Petraeus to move up and lead. Also, the president is cutting strategic parts of the military in the midst of two wars and the men who were so finely trained under Bush won't be available to bail out BHO next time.

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