Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Night News and Notes

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How y'all doing?

Here's what's news:

-A seventeen year old boy gets charged and convicted for statutory rape for having sex with his fourteen year old girlfriend and is sentenced harshly. A seventeen year old girl is convicted of statutory rape for having sex with her fourteen year old boyfriend and receives a much lighter sentence. Dr. Helen discusses it and slaps Slate Magazine around some for their misguided view on the matter.

-Obama and his weakness on national security.

-Al Gore continues the great Global Warming Swindle with new book. Perhaps he can burn it to keep his great carbon-emitting mansion warm.

-Newspapers seek tax-exempt status. They truly are dying.

-Michigan is the worst run state and is suffering from massive flight and abysmal governance. But the unfunny and decidedly unhot governor can take potshots at Sarah Palin. Whatever.

-A must read. Iowahawk on Obama's response to parents of a special olympian. Priceless.

1 comment:

robert verdi said...

al gore and Hansen are just a disgrace.