Sunday, December 09, 2007

Gore Raking in $ With GW Hysteria: Libs Shocked

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I've said many times that the entire global warming issue is a cottage industry for its advocates. Check that, it's not a cottage industry for Al Gore, it's just plain industry:

Al Gore has come under fire for making personal gain from his mission to save the planet – after charging £3,300 a minute to deliver a poorly received speech.

The former American Vice-President was also accused of being "precious" at the London event, demanding his own VIP room and ejecting journalists, despite hopes the star-studded gathering would generate publicity for the fight against global warming.

Many of the audience at last month's Fortune Forum summit were restless as Mr Gore, who has won both a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar for his campaigning work this year, delivered the half-hour speech that netted him £100,000.
Wow, liberal celebs and other elitists are shocked that Al Gore is profiting from the GW scare-mongering and is a snob? Where have these people been and have any of them seen the condescending way Gore speaks in An Inconvenient truth? The guy talks like a snob, his facts on global warming are skewed and he will never debate or even talk to those with opposing viewpoints for fear that he will be eviscerated.

This part is hilarious:

But a source told The Mail on Sunday: "Many guests looked tired and began to talk among themselves during his speech. Heads began to twitch with tiredness.
My head begins to twitch with tiredness as soon as the Goracle opens his pie hole, but at least I didn't spend thousands to be bored to tears by the Man Who Will Save The Planet. Can we please put Al Gore in a "lockbox?"

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