Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon News and Notes

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Happy Tuesday.

Here's what's new in the solar system:

Howard Fineman almost criticizes Obama. He's still on his knees but is realizing that The One may not be the one.

The San Francisco Examiner shows how to really criticize a president. Perhaps the aforementioned Fineman should take notes. You know the BHO administration is a mess when a Frisco paper belittles him.

Pelosi abuses her office and the Air Force by using AF planes as her own personal shuttle. I wonder what her carbon footprint is and I wonder how much the Air Force personnel enjoy having the Diva of Dc aboard so often.

The Chinese Navy is getting chippy. Perhaps it's time to show them who the big fish in the sea still is. I think sneaking an SSN in and pinging the hell out of them would suffice. Hell, they did it to us.

How's that "smart diplomacy" thing Obama promised working out? Not so well. My new favorite mistake is Shrillary claiming that America is an older democracy than anything in Europe. Amateur hour continues.

New Aussie alcohol guidelines explained.

You may recall when Israel launched a raid on Syria back in 2007. It didn't get much play at first because neither the Israeli's nor the Assad said anything about it. Some picked up on it and we eventually heard it was a nuke facility. Here's the rest of the story thus far and a must-read.

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