Monday, March 02, 2009

Stimulus Fallout

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Glenn Reynolds has been following the various "tea parties" around the country and some have been substantial. These events highlight just how upset people are with this fraud perpetrated upon us by an administration that used fear as its main tactic.

How many careers will end because of this bill? My guess is more than a few and the balance of power could shift enormously come 2010 and the mid-terms.

Number one on the list of targeted Republicans is Arlen Specter:

U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter was greeted with jeers at a press conference in Cranberry Township.

Conservatives are fuming after Specter cast the deciding vote that led to the passage of President Barack Obama's stimulus plan.

Specter, 79, acknowledges his run for re-election will be tough.

He says he's not completely happy with Obama's plans but he points out that he was able to cut the price tag by over $100 billion and he says he was able to increase the amount of tax cuts.
Granted, my neighbors to the west were stupid enough to re-elect John Murtha after he called them racist rednecks so it's not a done deal with Specter but we're seeing a real dissatisfaction with government out there. Obama's numbers are still good but worse than Jimmy Carter's were at this point of his nightmare of an administration and there are some subtle signs that the gloss has come off of The One.

I think the GOP will have plenty of ammo come the next cycle as this economy isn't going to straighten out quickly. That is, if they can stop the idiotic internal squabbling. Update: And infantile pandering to Obama.

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