Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama Still Pushing Global Warming With Budget

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I guess his administration just doesn't get it; Americans care about paying their mortgage and putting food on the table, they've not given global warming a second thought in months. But that won't stop The One from ramming through legislation that will cripple us financially while costing us trillions more we don't have:

President Barack Obama's aides say the administration will work with Congress on his budget proposal, but energy independence is not subject to wheeling and dealing.

Obama planned to make the case Monday for a budget proposal that invests billions in research designed to reduce climate change and guarantees loans for companies that develop clean energy technologies. Obama has tied his first budget proposal as president to a renewable energy program to help the United States move toward energy independence.
Renewable energy? This would give the GOP a great platform to scream "drill baby, drill" at the top of their lungs. Drilling in ANWR and off the continental shelf would add thousands of jobs, help with energy independence and could be ramped up in months rather than years. It would be an energy stimulus the likes of which we've never seen.

The GOP better not cave on this and if they stand strong will potentially regain the House and Senate. People are upset and if the GOP just pounds the issue daily and makes it understandable for the public, it's a win-win. We saw during the short gas price spike that the environment goes out the window when the choice is between money and Mother Nature. In fact, the public has recently ranked global warming as the least of their concerns and seems to have woken up to the fact that this is a scam on a great scale.

Will someone please explain this to Sens. Specter, Snowe and Collins.

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