Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama Pisses Off Another Major Ally

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You can't make this stuff up.

The most un-serious administration ever has now infuriated French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

Now Obama has insulted French President Sarkozy!

Oh no! Obama sent a letter to Chirac, saying he looks forward to working with him the next four years. Le Figaro, French newspaper is horrified at the faux pas. Doesn't Obama ever consult his staff before acting? Sarkozy is the President there! It's like Sarko writing to George Bush and saying he looks forward to working with him. Chirac is the FORMER president.
In the letter Obama credited Chirac for his stance against the Iraq invasion even though anyone with even cursory knowledge of Chirac and Iraq knows that many of the French (and UN) elite had insider deals with Iraq through the corrupt Oil for Food program. Chirac's involvement has never been fully investigated but most signs point to the fact he knew exactly what was happening.

Not only that, Chirac actively tried to profit from our invasion after we had secured Baghdad in a shameless ploy to cozy up after the heavy lifting was done.

Chirac's stand was purely for greed and to cover up his country's massive involvement, it was by no means principled as Obama believes.

So now The One has effectively embarrassed our nation by irritating the Brits, the Poles, the Czechs and now the French. It's only a matter of time before he pisses off the Germans. I'm guessing he'll be really nice to the Soviets Russians, though.

Congratulations to The One, you've set back our relationship with the Europeans more in two-months than W. did in a full two terms. You should be proud. For the rest of us, we're just more embarrassed than ever.

More at Gateway and No Pasaran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Comrade Obama! The world adores you....right?