Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama: On That Whole Screwing the Vets Thing...Nevermind

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Barack Obama pulls an Emily Litella and rescinds the proposal to have veterans pay for their service-connected injuries:

The White House on Wednesday backed off a controversial plan that would have dramatically altered the way the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) handles insurance claims, after veterans groups staged an all-out fight against such a proposal.

President Obama will not pursue a proposal that would have allowed the VA to charge private insurance companies for the treatment of veterans with service- and war-related injuries. The proposal raised the ire of prominent Democrats on the House and Senate Veterans' Affairs panels. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was the first to announce Wednesday afternoon that the president won’t pursue such a proposal.
I don't really know what bothers me more: the fact that the administration would even propose such an idea or the fact that this is yet another example that Barack Obama has no idea what the hell he is doing. How could he have even contemplated this after railing against the Bush administration and saying he was going to do more for the men and women who were injured serving our country? I mean, what must the scene have been like when the idea was proposed?

Obama staffer: "Hey, I have an idea, let's have veterans pay for the healthcare they need because they were injured in combat, that's a good way to save some money".

President Obama(looking over at his teleprompter for the answer): "Now that's a great idea, let's run with it and blame it on Bush and Rush Limbaugh if we can get away with it".

I knew there would be screw ups here and there, there always are. But this administration is setting records for ineptness that will hopefully never be broken. Every week it's something new and worse like the AIG bonus mess (which is looking uglier and uglier for The One on a daily basis) to another embarrassment with a major European guest to this VA insanity. Is there a single adult in charge over in the West Wing?

If every agency Obama has staffed is as pathetic as Treasury, VA and State, I shudder to think what the clueless Leon Panetta is doing over at CIA.

I've always been proud to be an American but right about now, with mistake after mistake, I'm a bit embarrassed to be one as well. Yeah, that whole Hope and Change (TM) thing is working out real well.

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