Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Coach K Tells Obama to Focus on Priorities

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It's pretty bad when the best active coach in NCAA hoops has to tell the president to focus on the important issues of the day and they would not include basketball:

"Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets," Krzyzewski told a reporter from the Associated Press on Wednesday.

The president filled out his NCAA bracket for ESPN on Tuesday, and the Blue Devils weren't among his Final 4 picks. Instead, he has Coack K's squad falling to Pittsburgh in the Elite 8.

Perhaps if Obama spent as much time focused on actually reading the stimulus and TARP bills as he did on his bracket, we wouldn't have the problems we're having.


Anonymous said...

You do realize that it takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out a bracket. Is Obama not allowed to be a human? Will you criticize him for throwing out the first pitch? What about taking time to eat dinner with his kids?

Anonymous said...

an unbelievably stupid criticism..

Scott said...

Lighten up, Kyle. Libs just don't have a sense of humor, do they?

Scott said...

BTW, I'd be a bit touchy if my hero had as horrific a start as Obama has. Amateurish would be a step up at this point.