Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Night News & Notes

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It's been a long week so I'm listening to the Allman Brothers, drinking a few amber bocks and checking out what's happening in the world.

Here's what's news:

-Does anyone think San Fran Nan Pelosi isn't shady?

-Congrats to the website: over 3,000,000 hits for the month of March. Obama has been very, very good to us on the right.

-Z-list actress says something about politics and no one even hears her.

-Bummer, I love to catch and eat crabs but it appears they feel and remember pain. Fortunately, they boil pretty quickly so they don't remember for long.

-That whole "green jobs" thing Obama has been pusing is absolute bullshit.

-Dumb bastard robs cop and police convention.

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