Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stimulus Bill Passes 244-188

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Republicans were unified:

The House of Representatives just approved the estimated $819 billion economic stimulus plan favored by President Obama. The vote was 244 in favor to 188 against.
All 178 Republican members voted against the plan, according to the chart that C-SPAN was updating.

The Senate is expected to vote on its version -- which is likely to cost more -- within days.
Now maybe the GOP will see that conservative principles would have kept them at least nearer in seats. Instead, they spent and spent and chowed down on earmarks. We're stuck with this piece of shit bill that will bankrupt us for a generation and most-likely won't work.

New Jersey will receive the following:

Highways and Bridges: $777.8 million

Mass Transit: $334 million

Wastewater Treatment and Sewers: $237.2 million

Heat Aid: $37.9 million

Schools Modernization: $419.7 million

Pell Grants: $502.8 million
Not nearly enough when compared to other east coast states. To put it in perspective, the NJ School Development Authority allotted $2.3-billion for school construction this year.

Congressional Republicans fought hard to excise any pork they could out of the bill but with no numbers they have no strength. Nancy Pelosi will crow and we'll have to watch her up on the podium with that botox face and shit-eating grin but we deserve it for straying away from Reaganism.

More later.

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