Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Changing Global Warming Battle

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It seems that Al Gore is losing hearts and minds when it comes to perpetuating the global warming swindle:

Forty-four percent (44%) of U.S. voters now say long-term planetary trends are the cause of global warming, compared to 41% who blame it on human activity.

Seven percent (7%) attribute global warming to some other reason, and nine percent (9%) are unsure in a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
The consensus has been trending that way and now people are finally getting their info from sources other than the MSM. Temperatures have been trending down for a decade and, as I posted earlier, the ocean temperatures have gone down as well. Granted, it's winter and a brutal one at that and the results may reverse when it's 95 in August but I think us sceptics are finally getting through the flack thrown in our way by those making who've created an industry around the issue.

There's still a lot of work to do as people still believe that global warming is occurring, at least the bulk of people are now blaming someone other than industry and autos for it.

I still am a believer in the fact that we need to increase fuel economy and seek out alternative means of producing electricity and fueling vehicles because of our foreign dependence on fossil fuels--a condition that will lead to further entanglements. Yet we also need to increase domestic production of natural gas, crude and push for a new generation of nuclear production.

Perhaps now we can stop seeing Al Gore's hideous mug all over the place.

These are baby steps but steps in the right direction all the same.

Via AmSpec which has this must-read on the issue.


hitesh said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think it matters that 44% of people think it's a natural cycle. Over 50% believe in angels ... that doesn't mean they exist, and it doesn't make those 50% of the people right.

The weight of the scientific evidence still points towards human contribution to the problem, and so that is what we should be operating on. Compile enough evidence to counter the "human-caused global warming" theory, and it won't matter what the polls say then, either.

The only people who need to point to polls when dealing with scientific issues are people who wish to obscure the science. Otherwise, they (the polls) are completely meaningless.

Humans may or may not be the principal cause of global climate change. The bulk of the evidence we have now suggests that we have a pivotal role. There is some evidence indicating our impact is very small, but the bulk of the evidence still suggests otherwise. Scientific questions are answered with science ... not politics and polls.

Anonymous said...

This is a good sign... if you add the 44% and the 7% "other" you get 51%. Add in the 9% who are "unsure" and you have a total of nearly 60% that do NOT believe the "man-made GW" tripe.

I figured this would happen when they changed their label from "global warming" to the much more weasel-words "climate change" -- that was essentially an admission that their "hot air" theory was full of itself.

Note: To the commenter who said that the percentage who believe "X" doesn't matter... Does he realize that this applies to the "consensus" towards GW as well. Just as the public "votes" are irrelevant to whether something is scientifically True or False, so also are the "votes" of scientists irrelevant. (And remember "scientists" are very frequently WRONG -- and most often when they are in "concensus" -- just ask Semmelweis, et al). But where public opinion DOES matter is in politics... the sphere that Gore and his cabal are trying to manipulate (and apparently GORE thinks public opinion matters... that's why he has spent so much time pushing it down people's throats!)

Anonymous said...


I really could care less if you think you are not part of the problem. You are, but that's ok.

You and your well informed internet buddies keep warm during this chilly global warming fraud, and in th espring, you go back into hiding.

Hide behind your air conditioner.

Ever come out much in the summer these days?

Nope. Too hot.

And us climate changers will keep scratching our heads as the crops are leveled by tropical storm force winds... 1000 miles from the coast.

I see you deleted another comment. Can't stand the heat?

Scott said...

Uh, anonymous little weasel, the comment was deleted by the author of the comment not me. I've never deleted a comment in six years.

Second, I work outside in the summer and yes, it is hot. It's called summer. You know how the Earth tilts toward the sun in the warm months...ah, never mind, why bring facts and science into this.

There's been no increase in tropical storms from GW, we've been getting storms for millenia, it's called weather.

So continue to hide in fear that Al Gore's predictions will come true, I'll continue to read the true research that shows you and your buddies are taking every warm day as proof you were right even though the actual data shows different.