Monday, January 12, 2009

The Anti-Semitism of San Francisco

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One thing I always look forward to whenever we have an instance of Israel defending itself is the outrage exhibited in Speaker Pelosi's home district. The anti-Semitism is always apparent--as is the stupidity of Frisco lefties.

Fortunately for us, we have the pseudonymous Zombie patrolling the sewer to see what these troglodytes have to say this time. Unfortunately, they keep getting worse and they still can't spell:

Not only illiterate but is doing a hell of a job teaching her children some hateful values. She should be so proud.

Of course, the obligatory comparison of the Israeli's and Nazi's. Yeah, that one doesn't get old...even after seeing it about 50,000 times.

Go see all the pix and check out the videos. Anti-Semitism is alive and well in America and it thrives on the political left.

As a former San Diegan, I can say that these people are an embarrassment to a great state. I can also say that I abhor liberals like these.

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