Friday, October 31, 2008

How the Obama Infomercial Played in Britain

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You know how Obama and his supporters are always carping about our image in the world thanks to President Bush. It doesn't seem as though Obama is making that better:

America’s supplies of tissues must have been exhausted during Barack Obama’s 30-minute election broadcast late on Wednesday night. It had been billed as a “closing argument” by the Democrat’s seemingly unstoppable campaign. In reality, it was an all-out, no-holds-barred weepathon with a feel-bad factor pitched somewhere between the third act of Schindler’s List and the slaughter scenes in Watership Down. I emerged from my TV room sodden-eyed and legs trembling, wishing that Iran would just drop the bomb and get it all over with.
Yeah O, the world seems to really want to see you take over.

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