How can it be that with endless puff pieces being written about him and a press that has been embarrassingly fawning Obama is now in a statistical dead heat with Senator John McCain? Obama has just returned from a trip to Europe and the Mideast that the media covered as the Second Coming and he had a one or two day bounce in daily polls than he slipped below where he was before he left. How can this be?
Quite simply, the American people aren't sold on his abilities and policies and to a great extent, the media has made it harder for Obama to gain any traction.
Every four years, the American media falls in love with the Democratic nominee. They describe him in glowing terms such as "genius" (Al Gore), "hero" (John Kerry) or, with Obama, a great orator and brilliant mind. At the same time they describe the GOP candidate as stupid (Bush 43) or in the case of McCain "too old." The US press gets so caught up in the love affair that they create a bubble that essentially insulates them from those they are writing for. The British press, for example, has an outsiders view and actually provides fairer coverage because of it.
So the press--due to their infatuation with the latest Democrat candidate--go easy on him (or her) and leave stories that should be investigated during the primary vetting process unwritten. Those stories are then reported later and leave the candidate with bad press on a weekly basis. A prime example would be the Jeremiah Wright kerfuffle; Sean Hannity reported on this story a year before the MSM did and it hit Obama really hard. If the story had been reported when he was in second behind Hillary, the blow would not have been as sharp and would likely have gone away quickly.
In the meantime, McCain had a horrid month but since the media are reporting all Obama all the time, no one noticed.
Finally, Obama is not the likable guy the media make him out to be. While the press bow at his feet, the public wonders exactly where the brilliance the media so often reports on is. He's not a great speaker, he peppers his speech with numerous "ers" and "uhs." He doesn't ad lib well as shown when he was heckled by a group of Black students and he flip-flops on every issue instead of choosing an opinion and sticking with it. In other words, the American people are starting to pay attention and this Obama fella ain't quite the genius the media keep saying he is. His wife isn't helping as she comes across as what some call elitist but what normal folks call "stuck up."
Now the media will start reporting that Obama is sinking because of continuing racism in the country but once this election is over, perhaps someone in the Obama bubble will take a clear look at what has happened and see that they themselves were the cause of their preferred candidate sinking.
Update: Hmmmm....Obama has actually caused losses in self-identified Democrats. I can't wait to hear how the media spins this.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Media Perplexed as to Why Obama is Sinking
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1:09 PM
Labels: Media Bias, Michelle Obama, Obama, President 2008
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